Data required to
perform strategic analysis
1. Competitor analysis
-- Revenues, market shares,
profitability of primary direct competitors
--Geographical segment analysis—domestic,
regional, global business?
-- Product/market analysis
-- Intensity/directness of
-- Competitive
strengths/weaknesses relative to competitors
-- Definition of company “business”,
internal synergies
2. Industry analysis
-- Growth prospects, degree of
maturity, product saturation
-- Technological innovation
-- Overall industry
3. Supplier analysis
are key suppliers? Is supplier market
competitive or not? How profitable are
--How much of value added comes
from suppliers?
--Are supplies standardized/fungible
or differentiated?
--How dependent is the company on
a given supplier?
4. Buyer analysis
--Consumer or business, i.e. where
in the chain of production?
-- Distribution channels
-- Price
competition vs product differentiation
5. Other data
--Financial condition, debt
--Shareholder structure